
NPA Conflict, Preparedness & Protection

A framework for survivability.

The image features a green background with a white hexagonal logo containing multiple concentric lines. To the right of the logo, white text reads "CONFLICT PREPAREDNESS & PROTECTION.

We currently live in a time when there are more conflicts around the world then ever before, and we’re facing a refugee crisis that is larger than any time since WWII. Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), is an organization that believes the international community has an obligation to protect civilians whenever conflict arises. NPA’s program, Conflict Preparedness & Protection (CPP), started during the conflict in Syria as a way to help civilians trapped between warring factions.

CPP helps civilians become informed, plan, and take action when conflict arises. Resilient civilians and communities are able to take steps to mitigate damage and better protect themselves. CPP’s approach is specific to the affected population and type of conflict. Through education, innovation and data, CPP is building the framework for conflict preparedness and recovery.

NPA came to Hyperakt to create a brand identity for CPP and design a guide that would help to build an international coalition around CPP’s framework and underline to opportunity to save civilians trapped in conflict.

Hyperakt created an identity building off NPA’s existing color palette and typography creating a mark that is related to NPA yet distinct. It is easily reproducible, instantly recognizable and the mark can work with any language. The Framework for Survivability guide stresses the urgency of CPP’s work and is a call to action for the international community to come together and save innocent lives.

Graphic depicting a framework (hexagon design) plus a community (house icon) equal to a framework for survivability (combined hexagon and house design). Text reads "Framework," "Community," and "Framework for Survivability.
A group of people, including emergency responders, are seen among a partially destroyed building with heavy smoke and debris. The scene depicts a recent disaster or conflict. The image is overlaid with a white geometric logo in the center.
A booklet titled "A Framework for Survivability: The Case for Conflict Preparedness & Protection" from the Norwegian People's Aid lies on top of another identical booklet. The cover features an image of a person in a dark robe surrounded by rubble.
A green booklet spread shows two chapter titles: "What is Conflict Preparedness & Protection?" on the left, and "Building a New Item on the Humanitarian Agenda" on the right. Both titles have corresponding page numbers and subheadings.
Close-up image of a page from a magazine or brochure featuring a concentric circular chart. The circles are centered around a green starburst shape labeled "Blast," with small triangle points along the circles. .
A navy blue background features white Arabic text and a geometric logo. The text reads "الاستعداد لمواجهة النزاعات والحماية," which translates to "Preparedness for Conflict and Protection." The logo comprises concentric hexagons with a central dot.
The image shows a logo of hexagonal shapes with a green outline, transitioning to grey and black towards the center. To the right of the hexagon, text reads "CONFLICT PREPAREDNESS & PROTECTION" in black uppercase letters. The background is white.
An image of an open book with multiple pages visible. The pages contain a mix of text and images, predominantly in green, grey, and white. Sections feature photographs of urban scenes and graphs. Text includes headings, paragraphs, and bullet points.
An open book with a quote in green text reading, "Urban areas have become death traps for thousands of civilians." - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon. Below, there is smaller black text detailing conflicts and their impact on civilians in urban areas.
An open booklet shows a person working amidst a partially destroyed building, with text overlay that reads, "We are therefore calling on other humanitarian actors to assist us in:" followed by two outlined points on documenting and developing CPP initiatives.

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