Lunch Talks

Free, intimate talks designed to share ideas and foster community with friendly, creative people. Bonus: lunch (and beer) is on the house.

Our special sauce

Hyperakt has hosted Lunch Talks on a monthly basis since 2010. Lunch Talks are:


Talks are always free to attend on a first RSVP basis. Free sandwiches from Court Street Grocer and Sixpoint beer will be waiting for you when you arrive.


We cap our audience to 100 participants per talk so there are ample opportunities for networking and a robust discussion.


Lunch Talks are a Friday afternoon special. There’s time reserved before and after each talk for attendees to chat and mingle in a laid back setting.


We don’t have a big podium and stadium seating for 1,000. We host Lunch Talks in our space and welcome each guest personally.


We carefully curate our inspiring speakers, who are thought leaders across the design industry, social impact, and technology.


Lunch Talks should make people think first and foremost, but we also encourage our speakers to make us laugh and smile.

A group of people seated in a modern, open office space, attentively watching a presentation projected on a screen. The presenter stands near the screen with a microphone. Computers and office supplies are visible on desks, and large windows let in natural light.
  • 2010
    Year of first Lunch Talk
  • 90
  • 4,000+
Past Speakers

Going back to the first Lunch Talk in 2010, our speakers have included legendary designers as well as fresh new voices in the field. They have all generously volunteered their time and experience, to share advice, wisdom and stories with our creative community.

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