Girls Who Code Annual Report 2021
A look back 10 years and forward 10 years at Girls Who Code's journey championing STEM education and teaching girls to code.

The challenge
The report highlighted the exceptional impact of the Girls Who Code movement, with over 14 billion online engagements serving as a testament to its global reach and influence. Impressively, the organization had already reached nearly half a million girls, women, and nonbinary students by 2021, with over 50% hailing from historically underrepresented groups in tech.
The report celebrated the achievements of the 115,000 Girls Who Code alumni, who were earning computer science and related degrees at a rate 7 times the national average, demonstrating the program's efficacy in propelling young women towards successful careers in technology.

The report highlighted the multifaceted nature of Girls Who Code's programs, including Clubs, Virtual Summer Immersion Program, and Code From Home activities, which ignited early interest in computer science among young girls.
Additionally, the report underscored the organization's commitment to older students, with initiatives like College Loops, Work Prep, and Hiring Summits providing invaluable opportunities for career advancement in tech.