
Ford Foundation Annual Reports

Reimagining justice.

Two women in colorful traditional clothing and elaborate headdresses communicate with each other. The background is blurred with two round insets on the right showing smaller images of people. One inset features a woman and the other shows two men working.


Founded in 1936 with an endowment from Henry Ford and his son Edsel, the Ford Foundation is one of the largest and most influential philanthropies in the world.

Cover of a book titled "Justice Reimagined" with two individuals in traditional costumes sitting and conversing. They wear vibrant, colorful textiles and ornate hats. The Ford Foundation logo is at the bottom of the cover.

The challenge

Ford’s 2011 Annual Report (the second designed by Hyperakt) focused on defining contrasts facing the world:

  • Political change has swept the globe—yet human rights and freedoms continue to decline
  • Technology connects people more than ever before—yet so many remain overlooked and neglected
  • Economies continue to grow—yet the gap between rich and poor grows
An open book lays flat, displaying a diagram with interconnected colored circles containing text. The diagram appears to illustrate relationships between various concepts, and a table of contents is visible in the bottom right corner. The background is white.
Infographic depicting poverty in rain-dependent areas of India. A map highlights regions in orange (rain-dependent) and blue (irrigated) with 68.3% of India's arable land being rain-dependent. Additionally, 242 million people live in poverty, emphasized by supporting graphics.
An open report booklet displaying pages with colorful horizontal bar graphs and accompanying text. The graphs are segmented in various colors indicating different data categories. The booklet has a white background and a clean, minimal layout.

The opportunity

The 2011 print and digital annual reports highlight key initiatives from the The Ford Foundation. From campaigns to end child marriage to experiments in creating an education systems that work, the impact of this organization continues to shape our world.

A book spread featuring a dark world map with colorful data visualizations of global grant spending. Circular graphs pinpoint locations across various continents, including details of regions, grant amounts, and a total spending summary on the right-hand page.
A two-page spread from a magazine. The left page features a photo of a protest with the word "Expression" overlaid, accompanied by text titled "For Every Voice." The right page shows an image of a densely populated urban area with the word "Growth" overlaid, accompanied by text titled "Shared by All.
An open book displays a timeline summarizing the Ford Foundation's regional initiatives in Latin America over 50 years. The left side highlights historical milestones, while the right side outlines current projects. A small map of Latin America is visible in the lower-right corner.
An open book showing pages with charts and graphs. The left page features a vertical bar graph and a section with colored icons and text. The right page contains pie charts and circular diagrams, each brightly colored, along with additional explanatory text.
An orange book cover with white text that reads, "How can we narrow the gulf between poverty and promise, between the world as it is and the world we aspire to?" Below is a smaller text: "Learn more at".

Digital first

Accompanying the print report, the digital microsite takes advantage of web technologies and layers of information that brings the message to life.

The site includes three interactive maps to explain: their initiative to bring India’s rural communities together, their campaign to fight child marriage and their work in Indonesia, changing the lives of citizens by allowing them to be a part of their own government. It also features videos and an interactive timeline.

A woman in a red sari is tending to a field of pink and white flowers. Text on the right side of the image reads, "In India, rural communities are reaping the benefits of their land and resources." There is a circular inset with a map and a "Read more" button below it.
Screenshot of a Fidel Foundation annual report. The image features a man carrying a load on his shoulder, standing outdoors with greenery in the background. Text overlays describe the foundation's support of visionary leaders and social movements across Latin America for 50 years.
Screenshot of an annual report webpage for the Ford Foundation. It features a large "10 Million" text indicating the number of girls married each year. The page includes a photo of young brides, a paragraph about a global campaign, and a document icon for a data interactive.
A data visualization on child marriage by country is displayed. The map highlights countries in varying shades of blue to white, indicating the prevalence of child marriage. A sidebar lists countries ranked by percentage, and specific data for Niger including 15 million marriages and 820 in progress.
Screenshot of a webpage from the Ford Foundation's 2014 Annual Report. The page discusses initiatives in Indonesia with images of local citizens. There is a headline about citizen decision-making, a blue "Explore Interactive" button, and photos depicting community activities.
A webpage displaying a program focusing on sustainable agriculture in India. It includes an infographic with a map highlighting regions with high poverty, statistics on poverty (68.3%, 242M rural citizens), and visuals representing agricultural improvements and interventions.
A webpage titled "A New Vision of How" features images of various people engaged in discussions and presentations. The page includes a message from the president and highlights the organization's efforts to create positive change.
A website page features a banner with a cityscape and sunset. Below, three circular images with text inside detail topics on Boston, Minneapolis-St. Paul, New Orleans, and San Francisco Bay Area, discussing fairness, justice, and shared prosperity.
The screenshot displays a webpage titled "Advancing fairness, justice and shared prosperity." It features images of different cities at the top and descriptions of regional innovation for Boston, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Navajo Nation, and San Francisco Bay Area below.
A webpage highlighting educational improvements features a top banner with diverse, cartoon children engaged in learning activities. Below, there is text about optimizing school days, longer school years, enriching schools, and community connections.

Project Credits

Project Team
  • Edwin Carter
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