Lunch Talks

Amrit Richmond

Director of Community & Platform, RRE Ventures
June 11, 2010

Black and white close-up photo of a person with long, dark hair and dark eyes, slightly smiling, looking directly at the camera. They have a light complexion and are wearing a dark top. The background is plain and light-colored.

Director of Community & Platform at RRE Ventures, where I lead community, content, research and events for RRE, as well as support our portfolio companies and the growth of the NY tech ecosystem.

Prior to RRE, I was a research and strategy consultant that helped startups (Meetup,, Creative Mornings, Assembly) and agencies (Huge, Exopolis, Luminary Labs, Mother, Digital Kitchen) with community, communications, collaborations, and understanding emerging technologies. On the research side, I analyzed the future of media, retail, eCommerce, restaurants and health technologies for clients.

More recently, I worked closely with Collaborative Fund on a range of special projects including content curation, brand collaborations, communications and portfolio support.

I started my career as an art editor / digital strategist at GOOD magazine, where I became enamored with technology, its effect on consumers, and its ability to transform old industries.

  • A group of people sitting around an outdoor table covered with plates of food and drinks. They are talking and smiling. There is a lush green wall of ivy in the background. The table has various dishes, cups, and bottles.
  • A group of people, primarily women, sitting closely together outdoors, some holding food plates. They are engaged in listening, with a brick wall and a person operating a camera in the background. The mood appears to be casual and attentive.
  • A group of people sit and stand on a wooden deck during an outdoor gathering. Some are seated on chairs while others sit on the ground. A woman with red shoes stands out. Brick walls and greenery frame the background. The atmosphere appears casual and social.
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