Lunch Talks

Michael Freimuth

Co-Founder of Franklyn
March 31, 2017

The most satisfying work & maybe the most successful work for our clients has been when we have been able to kind of marry the ideas of the convention with fantasy.

A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Michael is an award-winning creative director whose work has been recognized by almost too many industry organizations. Waaaaaay back in 2008, Michael received the New Visual Artist Award from Print Magazine, a recognition given to the top 20 designers under 30. In 2010 he was selected from an international group of creatives to be one of 50 Art Directors Club Young Guns. Prior to birthing Franklyn in 2012, he partied with Stefan Sagmeister in his New York studio.

These days Michael continues to raise his almost-5-year-old child, Franklyn – located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn – alongside his partner, Patrick Richardson. He’s lucky enough to be surrounded by a superbly talented group of designers, illustrators and smarties who make up the rest of the Green family. They like to keep it button-ed up when they must, creative and weird whenever possible.

Outside of his work at Franklyn, Michael is the creative director at large for Marz Brewing, an award-winning and fantastically ridiculous brewery located in Chicago’s Community of the Future, Bridgeport.

  • A white paper cup with an orange logo reading "Lunch Talks" sits on a wooden table. In the background, there is a sandwich on a white plank and a small plastic orange dinosaur toy, slightly out of focus. The setting suggests an informal gathering or discussion over lunch.
  • A tray of Italian combo sub sandwiches cut into smaller pieces is displayed on a wooden table. The sandwiches, with visible lettuce and deli meats, are placed on a white wooden board. A red speech bubble-shaped label reads "Italian Combo.
  • A group of people sitting in rows of chairs, facing the same direction, and engaging in conversation. Some are smiling and holding coffee cups. Large windows in the background let in natural light, and a few plants are visible near the windows.
  • A group of people sitting in a room, attentively listening to a presentation. Some are holding disposable coffee cups and food. A man in the foreground is smiling. The room has large windows with sheer curtains, and a construction site is visible outside.
  • A diverse group of people sit closely together in a room, attentively listening to something off-camera. Some hold food and drinks, possibly indicating a casual or social event. In the background, there are shelves of books and a staircase.
  • A group of people sit in rows of chairs, facing forward in a well-lit room with large windows to the left. Some are eating while others are looking at their phones or talking. Shelves with books and items are against the wall, and a staircase leads to an upper level.
  • A person wearing glasses and a blue shirt is standing and typing on a computer keyboard at a desk. They are facing a monitor with a speaker next to it. Several people wearing hats are seated facing the person. A projector screen and string lights are visible.
  • A person wearing a gray beanie and black t-shirt sits in a room with another individual. In the foreground, there is a green can of beer labeled "Resin" on a wooden table. A jacket is draped over the back of the person's chair. A plant is visible in the background.
  • Two people sit at a wooden table in front of a whiteboard covered in red and black text. One person with curly hair and glasses uses a MacBook, smiling. The other looks at her, holding a plate. The table has a metal water bottle, coffee cups, and a drink can.
  • Two presenters stand in front of a projector screen displaying a collage of black-and-white headshots and a red speech bubble with the text "Lunch Talks." An audience is seated facing the presenters and the screen in a dimly lit room with framed pictures on the walls.
  • A man is standing in front of a projection screen, giving a presentation. The screen displays an image labeled "The Legendary Collection of A. Alfred Taubman." There are framed pictures on the wall behind him, and an audience is seated, watching the presentation.
  • A speaker is presenting in front of an audience, seen out of focus in the background. A camera in the foreground is recording the event, with the speaker clearly visible on the camera’s display screen. The room appears to be dimly lit.
  • A person is standing and presenting in front of a screen displaying an abstract image with overlapping faces and geometric shapes in green hues. The room has several framed posters on the walls, and an audience is seated facing the presenter.
  • A person in a brown sweater is pouring a beverage from a yellow-lidded container into a transparent cup. There's a green can and several empty cups on the wooden table. The scene appears to be in a casual indoor setting with chairs and other items in the background.
  • A man in a gray blazer and blue shirt holds a glass of beer while conversing at a social gathering. Behind him, several people are engaged in conversation in a room with large windows, curtains, and modern industrial decor. A can of beer is on the table nearby.
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