Telling a powerful story about NYCLU’s unique role and value to the work of social change across New York State.
- Climate Lead
Redefining climate giving with a brand designed to inspire immediate and far-reaching action.
- Ford Foundation
With its new brand, one of the most influential funders in the world cedes the spotlight to its grantees who advance justice.
- Supermajority
A world built by women, for women.
- Brooklyn Defenders
A leading legal defense organization representing over 25,000 Brooklynites a year was ready to amplify the grit and grace of its vision, its people, its clients, and community.
- Generator Z
An ideas lab for teens and afterschool providers to reimagine the future of afterschool.
- Civilla
A new website for a non-profit design studio committed to reimagining institutions and public services for all.
- Design Resistance
Protest art by designers, for the people.
- On the Grid
Co-creating the ultimate guide to global creative neighborhoods with designers around the world.
- The Refugee Project
Millions of people are displaced from their home due to war, persecution, or violence every year. Explore the causes of the world’s largest forced migrations over the last half century.
- Atlassian InfoQuestLost a file? Never fear! Atlassian's InfoQuest is here!
- Re3 Storyhack
A hackathon for storytellers with a conscience.